Membership Benefits

  • Industry Training, Certification & Continuing Education - VPMA makes available high level training that provides Pest Professionals with the continuing education training required by the Virgini Department of Agriculture, Office of Pesticide Services for a Pest Management Professional to maintain their applicator license. In addition, VPMA's training exceeds the state requirements in both technical content and business development content that encourages the development of strong business utilizing the latest in technical tools, knowledge and practices.
  • Scholarships - Students who are working on new technologies in urban pest management are awarded scholarships twice a year. VPMA has issued nearly $100,000.00 in scholarships since 1977.
  • Regulatory representation - VPMA attends all meetings of the Pesticide Control Board and communicates closely with the Office of Pesticide Services in matters dealing with education and regulations of pest management professionals.
  • Dispute resolution services for homeowners and pest management professionals. For more information on beginning a grievance procedure, please click here.
  • For information on NPMA and local association benefits and events, please go to each Association's website. Click on the links below to visit each site.

Communicating with Our Members

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The Bottom Line: Increased Profits

Your Source for Pest Management Training and Education

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